Got back home late last night from GMX!
I only have my iphone photos so far – which is mostly pictures of Kevin – but tonight I’ll download the pics off my camera. (Chase forgot his flash so no nice pictures from this weekend, sadly)
In the meantime, here’s my little recap and a handful of Kevin pictures.
Friday we set off after work, listening to Harry Potter the whole way there. (We’re finally on book 6. I think we started listening in 2012, so that’s not bad.)

Got there, got checked in, waited forever for a bell cart – I heard somebody say they only had 3 carts all together. LMAO. While Chase got the car parked, I got into Sarah and Kevin wore Harry Potter, and we went and said hi to people and wandered around a bit.
Also got to see GMX volunteers at the elevators sniffing the liquid in people’s bottles to make sure they weren’t bringing alcohol down. Wow.

There was lots of neat stuff to take pictures with.

Kevin’s Harry wig had the worst time staying on his head this trip. It migrated off his head after an hour or so. It decided it wanted to be a beard.

Witches & Wizards:

Friday night ended up being awful as we were directly underneath the party floor, so until around 2AM we had pounding music, screaming and slamming doors right over our heads.
The next morning, Chase ran out and got some breakfast while Kevin and I got into the Time Lord robes. Kevin wore Chase’s.

Took some awesome pictures with the TARDIS and the Dalek and other Doctor Who folks.

Then I got into Peggy for a while. So much happier with the shorter wig. Kevin ate skittles in the tardis.

Kevin got an afro circus wig:

I wore Glimmer for a bit, but discovered that my staff is great for standing around taking photos at Dragoncon, but really awful for walking around in crowds. My arms got tired very quickly. We decided to change and go get some dinner. We’d decided on Old Chicago pizza – it was ok. Kevin had a pizza pot pie:

Then it was time for me to get Kevin in his surprise costume. It was a surprise to him – he had to close his eyes while I did his hair and makeup.

The Ancient Aliens guy. Kevin loved it, and got a lot of attention.

We wandered around for a bit, saw some folks, but after a while we kinda gave up. The lobby was dead, the party floor was dead. Couldn’t find half the people we were looking for, so we called it a night. Thankfully the partying directly above our heads was non-existent that night.
Sunday was kinda lame! We’d called the hotel beforehand to ask if we could get a late checkout Sunday, since Chase’s panel wasn’t until 4 that afternoon. They told us to request it when we check-in. So we did and they told us to ask Sunday morning. Sunday morning it “wasn’t possible” (translation: “we don’t want to.”)
I put on Rogue as Ms Marvel for a bit and we got some pictures, but then I had to go run and change back into normal clothes and get packed up so we could get out of the room. We pushed it until right at the check out time and THEN asked for a bell cart – so we did have a bit of extra time in the room but it didn’t really help with anything, since I’d already packed and changed.
We got the car loaded and headed back in. Kevin went and played games.
(Also, when he got up that morning, he looked like he’d gone on a cheeto bender. He had to have a long shower._

We got bored and went and had lunch. Came back and just kinda sat around. It was really boring.
I did discover a hot pocket on the back of a toilet in the women’s restrooms though. I guess somebody was following Jim Gaffigan’s directions on how to cook a hot pocket.

Finally it was time for Chase’s panel – the premiere of the sequel to his movie. It went really well! I’ll post a link to the movie as soon as it’s on youtube – he’s still got a bit of work to do on it, I think.
Then finally time to head home. When we stopped for gas we discovered Chase had left his debit card at the restaurant. We were already an hour outside of Nashville, so he just had to call and have it canceled. Yuck!
I’ve always enjoyed GMX, because it’s a nice, smaller con where we can see our friends. But I think this might be the last one for us. The vibe has changed. Maybe I’m just getting older, I don’t know. Kevin had a good time, I enjoyed wearing my costumes and of course we liked seeing our friends… but, I don’t know, it just seemed off this year, seemed sparse, with younger crowds, too much shrieking and screaming, the tight restrictions on alcohol, and it seemed like hotel security was looming over everything. They were standing and watching a LOT. I can’t say I’ve ever noticed them in previous years, but I saw them constantly this year.
Some of those problems are solved by GMX moving – but they’re moving to the Sheraton Music City, a hotel I HATE. So there’s that as well.
Anyway. Enough negativity, I’ll have more photos uploaded soon š